Saturday 28 April 2012

El Camino - The Black Keys

Too soon?

El Camino, The Black Key's 7th album from 2011, has turned them into rock and roll superstars. This is not their only album in the basket, but it has a pulse and energy that has made it one of our favourite albums of the last few years.

We can't remember finding music this exciting in a long time. It's as energising as Aha Shake Heartbreak or Is This It. A great soundtrack for driving, parties, Sunday mornings and anytime you want to feel alive.

Lonely Boy is electric, with a riff that punches you in the chest and then knees you in the balls. It rocketed to number 2 in last year's Hottest 100. While we like Gotye, Lonely Boy would get Somebody I Used to Know drunk on whiskey and have its way with her. When B came up with it in the sweep at the annual Hottest 100 party, he was made to dance on top of a slippery esky while being sprayed with - and spraying others - with cheap sparkling. While the clip is sweet, this would have made for an even better video.  L wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.

While The Black Keys are a two-piece and have recorded albums as such, make no mistake that there's a whole lot of instruments and production on this album. Even though it's tighter and more polished than some of their previous albums, thanks to producer, Danger Mouse, this is no Kings of Leon-style move into the pop sphere. It's pure, in-your-face rhythm and blues. El Camino may have made The Black Keys the hottest rock band in the world, there is no need for backlash from the fans. This album would be big whatever decade it was recorded in.

The strongest songs include Gold on the Ceiling, Money Maker and Sister. Bugger it, they're all brilliant. 

If you've got somewhere to drive to tomorrow, stick Run Right Back in the car stereo and hope there's no double demerit points. The wailing guitar will have your foot pumping the accelerator. The only disconcerting part of this song is that the bridge sounds exactly like Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum. Good song and all, but it takes B back right back to his christian youth group days.

Drinkify said we should be drinking Canadian Club, lime juice and rum, fucking, rum. Instead, we're celebrating with our newest favourite drink - gin, Campari and sweet vermouth. Doesn't matter, as long as El Camino is playing loud.

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